Référence | ETI-003 |
Langue | EN |
Typologie | Lightings |
Marque | Dorian Etienne |
Lien Marque | |
Designer | Dorian Étienne & Cordélia Faure |
Lien Designer | |
Le French Design | Le FD100, TÉLÉCHARGEMENT / DOWNLOAD |
Gallerie | [envira-gallery id="11820"] |
Fichier à télécharger | OUI |
Argument URL Hubspot | ETI-003_nuclée |
Argument URL | ETI-003_nuclée |
Lien HBM | |
Lien UP |
Nuclée is the result of a meeting of cultures and know-how.
Located on the east coast of Taiwan, the Kavalan aboriginal people are experts in the use of banana fiber. We learned from their elders the ancestral techniques to use this plant.
After each fruit harvest, the banana trees are cut down to facilitate the growth of new ones. Thus, tons of banana trunks are still waiting to be upcycled.
The flesh of the banana tree, a residue that is not used by the Kavalan, reveals a fascinating graphism in the light. Through a special refining technique, this plant tissue is stabilised. This “new” material is here sublimated in walnut circles, inspired by the structure of the banana tree.
Nuclée is handmade locally from natural materials.

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