Référence | NTBTTOU001 |
Langue | EN |
Typologie | Rugs |
Marque | Toulemonde Bochart |
Lien Marque | |
Designer | François Azambourg |
Lien Designer | |
Le French Design | |
Gallerie | |
Fichier à télécharger | OUI |
Argument URL Hubspot | NTBTTOU001_la-chaise |
Argument URL | NTBTTOU001_la-chaise |
Lien HBM | |
Lien UP |
La chaise
The “La Chaise” rug created for Toulemonde Bochart boasts a design whose origins lie in the research of hatching, which has become the background and motif of the rug. It was awarded a Via Label in 2015.
The rug is also François Azambourg’s tribute to “all those who believe that he only creates chairs”. Straight out of the sketchbook, this design reproduces the freshness of freehand sketching, in contrast to the increasingly common 3D computer modelling.

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