Référence | INC20SAI001 |
Langue | EN |
Typologie | Mirrors |
Marque | Atelier Saint Didier |
Lien Marque | |
Designer | Jean Couvreur |
Lien Designer | |
Le French Design | INCUBATEUR 2020 |
Gallerie | [envira-gallery id="10339"] |
Fichier à télécharger | |
Argument URL Hubspot | INC20SAI001_miroir-coiffe |
Argument URL | INC20SAI001_coiffe-mirror |
Lien HBM | |
Lien UP |
“The mirrors Coiffe, Noué and Vogue are the result of the collaboration between Caroline Prégermain, stained glass artist, Meilleur Ouvrier de France, and Jean Couvreur, designer. The use of stained glass is still mainly limited to art restoration and the creation of glass walls in the field of decoration. In order to extract it from its architectural status, the project offers a new dimension to the stained glass: making it an object by exploiting its qualities through a mirror, focusing on the unique qualities offered by glass inside the home. This noble material, combined with the exceptional know-how of Caroline Prégermain, is sublimed by a lighting device that illuminates it. The object becomes contemplative in a lit position by diffusing its soft light and becomes a mirror once again in turned off position. Equipped with a LED lighting system, it can be controlled as simply as a classic wall light. The design of these objects was born from a simple formal exercise: to represent the movement of a fabric around the round shape of a mirror, so that this hard and brittle material can express suppleness and lightness. Suppleness resulting in shapes resembling sails, pleats, curls, volutes, fabric carried by the wind, knotted sashes or headdresses of nuns. “

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