Référence | INC21BOU001 |
Langue | EN |
Typologie | Lightings |
Marque | Boutures |
Lien Marque | |
Designer | Houle Studio |
Lien Designer | |
Le French Design | INCUBATEUR 2021 |
Gallerie | [envira-gallery id="10491"] |
Fichier à télécharger | |
Argument URL Hubspot | INC21BOU001_aphelandra |
Argument URL | INC21BOU001_aphelandra |
Lien HBM | |
Lien UP |
This lamp invites us to play with light: by manipulating the shell, the user can turn on and adjust the light’s intensity thanks to polarizing filters that either block the light or let it through. The filters are made of computer-screen waste and the shell is made from recycled plastics derived partially from electronic waste.

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